What does Public Liability Insurance cover in a Gardening Business?

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As a gardener you need public liability insurance to protect your business against the financial risk of being liable for an accident or damage that occurs when carrying out your work. If an accident or property damage occurs connected with your gardening business and you are held responsible you may be required to pay a financial settlement and legal fees.

Public liability insurance protects you from third-party claims of bodily injury or damage to property. If, for example, while gardening for a client at their home a child trips over your ladder and hurts themselves, public liability insurance may help pay your legal bills and the child’s medical bills.

It may shield you and your business against the financial risk of being found negligent if someone not employed by you is injured or suffers loss due to your activities. Even though gardening may seem like an innocuous activity, accidents can occur even when you take the best of care. Considering that a large claim could result in bankruptcy for your business or, in the worst case scenario, personal bankruptcy it is better to be safe than sorry.

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We are business insurance brokers
What does this mean to you ?
What that means is that we are YOUR representative, and our first responsibility is to YOU, unlike an insurance agent who represents the insurance company.

And in the event of a claim, we fight for YOU, which may mean a faster and more successful claim.

Important : We have no power to authorise claims. However, our experience and assistance can help you when you have a claim.