What Aussie small business owners need to know about public liability insurance*

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What is Broadform Liability Insurance?

Broadform Liability Insurance Explained Broadform liability insurance is a comprehensive policy that combines both public liability and product liability coverage. Public liability insurance may protect your business from claims related to third-party property damage or personal injury resulting from your business activities. In contrast, product liability insurance may cover damages or injuries caused...

How to Grow Your Landscaping Company

Growing a landscaping business in Australia doesn’t need to feel like an impossible task. In fact, when done correctly it can be a very profitable and rewarding venture. Business owners and homeowners need to keep a well-maintained space outdoors, so the demand for landscaping services is on the rise. With...

How Much Public Liability Insurance do I Need?

The amount of public liability insurance that you need will depend on various factors including the type of work that you do, the potential and level of risk to the public of your work, the size and number of the clients you have and external factors such as contract or...

Public Liability Insurance Q&A’s

Public liability insurance is an important protection for business owners in Australia. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about public liability insurance and other essential insurance coverages for Australian business owners: Is Business insurance the Same as Public Liability Insurance?* Business insurance takes many forms. One way...

What Is Insurance Premium Funding?

Insurance premium funding can help smooth cash flow for today's business owners. Juggling bills and paying often hefty insurance premiums can leave business owners cash strapped. Where do you find the money to pay an entire year's business insurance premium? Premium Financing Can Help Smooth Cash Flow Premium financing provides...

What Insurance Do I Need as a Sole Trader?

As you build your business as a sole trader, you will encounter risks that create the need for insurance protection. You'll appreciate important advantages to this business approach. You control your business, giving you freedom to operate your business as you see fit. You don't answer to anyone, except perhaps...

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We are business insurance brokers
What does this mean to you ?
What that means is that we are YOUR representative, and our first responsibility is to YOU, unlike an insurance agent who represents the insurance company.

And in the event of a claim, we fight for YOU, which may mean a faster and more successful claim.

Important : We have no power to authorise claims. However, our experience and assistance can help you when you have a claim.