How Much is Public Liability Insurance for a Gardening Business?

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The amount that you pay for public liability insurance for your gardening business will depend on your particular business circumstances; it will depend on the size of your business, the number and types of clients you serve, the types of activities you undertake and your experience. If you are the sole trader it will cost less than if you have others working for you.

In general terms, as a self-employed gardener public liability will cost around $35 -$50 per month and provide coverage up to $5 million in damages. Note that this may vary if you have been the subject of claims in the past.

If you work on commercial building sites, have employees or work for councils or government departments public it can cost more. In the case of councils and government departments some require you to be insured for public liability claims of up to $20 million

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We are business insurance brokers
What does this mean to you ?
What that means is that we are YOUR representative, and our first responsibility is to YOU, unlike an insurance agent who represents the insurance company.

And in the event of a claim, we fight for YOU, which may mean a faster and more successful claim.

Important : We have no power to authorise claims. However, our experience and assistance can help you when you have a claim.