How much is Public Liability Insurance for a Cleaning Business?

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The cost of public liability insurance for a cleaning business can vary greatly from as little as $400 a year through to many thousands per year. The cost will depend on the type and size of cleaning business that you operate and/or the types of clients that you work for.

If your cleaning business include clients that have shopping centres or commercial buildings, it may be a requirement of those clients for you to have a specified amount of public liability insurance.

While small cleaning businesses may only require coverage of up to $5 or 10 million in damages, larger clients may require you to be covered for up to $20 million. The amount and cost of your public liability insurance will depend on your specific business circumstances.

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We are business insurance brokers
What does this mean to you ?
What that means is that we are YOUR representative, and our first responsibility is to YOU, unlike an insurance agent who represents the insurance company.

And in the event of a claim, we fight for YOU, which may mean a faster and more successful claim.

Important : We have no power to authorise claims. However, our experience and assistance can help you when you have a claim.